Our energy specialists can analyze whether cogeneration (the simultaneous creation of heat and power) is right for your facility, or if expanding or modifying your current cogeneration system can help you make the most of your resources. Cogeneration gives you the flexibility to take advantage of the evolving deregulated electrical markets, improves reliability, and increases overall energy efficiency. Industrial Technology Group has the technical and commercial capability to turnkey an entire project.
Cogeneration Plant Design Capabilities:
- Analysis of best fit of heat and power including detailed modeling of current energy use to determine which combination of prime movers – gas turbines, steam turbines, gas engines, diesel engines, or combination
- Operating evaluation of dual-fuel systems that affect the balance of heat and power
- Detailed financial analysis including operation and maintenance costs evaluation
- Innovative operating design – load following, operate chillers, and purchase power to balance facility needs with cogeneration output
Balance of Plant Expertise:
- Electrical requirements – substation, power distribution, interconnection to local utility distribution, or transmission grid system
- Chiller systems – electrical, steam absorption, gas engine, or steam turbine driven
- Operating with various circulation schemes including high delta-T with variable-primary-flow (VPF) design
- Cooling towers for condensing steam turbine or chiller plant
- High-purity water treatment dealing with all types of source water
- Wastewater handling and treatment systems – primary, secondary, and tertiary
- Automation of plant control including PLC and/or DCS systems
- EPA permitting